Dogwood Dash

Dr. L. Gayle Burton of Woodville began sponsoring 10K and 5K Fun Runs for the festival during the 1970's. These runs took place during the early morning hours on the day of the parade and pageant. Citizens State Bank continues this tradition by sponsoring the Dogwood Dash 5K. The Dogwood Dash begins at 8:30 a.m. on the Saturday morning of Queen's Weekend. The race begins in front of Kirby Gym located at 505 N. Charlton Street with the route weaving through the city streets of Woodville and ending back at Kirby Gym.

Congratulations to our
2024 Winners!
Overall Winners
Female - Mak Vaughn, Kyle, TX (24:09.9)
Male - Landon Heim, Spurger, TX (18:41.7)
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